Certified Agent Partner of Healthcare.gov
2024 Open Enrollment is here
You can enroll for the first time or change your existing plan for
coverage starting on January 1, 2024
Enroll Now
HealthPlans for Texas: Field of Bluebonnets at Muleshoe Bend.
HealthPlans for Texas: Sunset through the Window at Big Bend, National Park..
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Why Choose Health Plans for Texas?

Choosing a health plan can be complicated. We’ll simplify the process by providing you a streamlined experience that empowers you to search and choose a health plan that fits your health and financial needs.

We’re a trusted certified partner of the Federal Healthcare Marketplace with over a decade’s experience helping support individuals and small business secure coverage.

Fast & easy enrollment: Simplified online application for faster enrollment and can take just a few minutes to complete.

Enhanced Direct Enrollment (EDE): Your online application is sent directly to Healthcare.gov instantly and securely.

Help with premiums: Find out if you qualify for help to pay for your monthly premiums while applying for coverage.

No hidden fees: Applying is free, you only pay your premium when you receive your bill from the insurance company. 

Healthcare Marketplace News

Millions Expected to Lose Medicaid Coverage

Navigating the Family
Glitch Fix

Underinsured Is the
New Uninsured

Healthcare Premiums Expected to Grow in 2024

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We have what you are looking for

Health Plans For All Life Stages

Mother and baby

Individuals & Family

Health plans for adults & children

Individual & Family

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Worried Millennial

Loss Coverage from work

Affordable options to COBRA

Loss Coverage from Work

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Senior Couple


Insurance for adults ages 65+ or with a disability


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